Instagram 3D Photo Prompt ( सबसे बढ़िया फोटो बनाए )

Instagram 3D Photo Prompt – फिलहाल इस समय इंस्टाग्राम और बाकी के सोशल मीडिया ऐप पर AI 3D Post बहुत वायरल हो रहा हैं।

क्रिएटर अपने नाम के साथ में अलग अलग स्टाइल का AI 3D Photos बना रहे हैं। तो अगर आप भी इंस्टाग्राम के लिए 3D Ai Generated Image बनाना चाहते हैं।

तो आज का यह पोस्ट खाश आपके लिए ही हैं, क्योंकि इस पोस्ट में हम आपको कुछ Trending 3D Image का Prompt देने वाले हैं।

जिसके जरिए आप अपने लिए एक बढ़िया सा AI 3D Photos को बना सकते हैं।

इन 3D AI Image को कैसे बनाया जाता हैं?

सोशल मीडिया पर Trend हो रहे 3D AI Image को Bing Ai Image the Creator वेबसाइट के जरिए बनाया जाता हैं।

इन 3D AI Image को बनाने के लिए आपको Bing Ai Image Creator वेबसाइट पर जाकर AI को निर्देश देना होता हैं, की आखिर आप किस तरह का AI Image बनाना चाहते हैं।

इस निर्देश को ही हम Prompt कहते हैं, आप जितना बढ़िया से AI को Prompt लिखकर देंगे AI आपको उतना ही अच्छा फोटो बनाकर देगा ।

उदाहरण के लिए देखिए , की मैने Bing AI Image Creator वेबसाइट पर जाकर AI को ये Prompt दिया ,

Cation-Create a 3D illustration of an animated character sitting casually on top of a social media logo "Instagram". The character must wear casual modern clothing such as jeans jacket and sneakers shoes. The background of the image is a social media profile page with a user name "sonu kumar" and a profile picture that match.

तो मुझे Bing Ai ने यह AI Image बनाकर दिया ,

वही जब हमने Bing Ai को यह Prompt दिया।

Create a 3D illustration of an animated charactersitting casually on top of a social media logo'instagram". The character must wear casualmodern clothing such as jeans jacket andsneakers shoes. The background of the imageis a social media profile page with a user name"litehindi" and a profile picture that match

तो Bing AI ने हमे यह 3D AI image दिया ।

तो कुल मिलाकर अगर आपको भी AI 3D Image बनाना हैं , तो इसके लिए आपके पास एक बढ़िया सा Prompt होना चाहिए । जिसके बारे में हम अब आपको बताने जा रहे हैं।

Trending Instagram 3D Photo Prompt

यहां नीचे हम आपको Instagram पर Trending हो रहे AI 3D Image को बनाने का Prompt और उससे बना AI Image का फोटो दे रहे हैं।

आपको जो भी AI 3D Image पसंद आता हैं, उसका आप Prompt Copy करके Bing Image Creator में जाकर Paste कर दीजिए ।

इसके बाद आपका भी 3D AI Image बन जायेगा, बस आपको Prompt में से मेरा नाम हटाकर अपना नाम डालना होगा । नही तो AI Image में मेरा नाम ही आएगा ।

#1. बैठने वाला AI Image का Prompt

Create a 3D illusion for a Instagram profile picture where a boy in a black shirt sits casually on a Wingback Chair. Wearing sneakers, a black cricket cap, and sunglasses, he looks ahead. The background features "sonu kumar" in big and capital white fonts on the black wall. Site Time is Money. There should not be his shadow, and there are wings to make it appear as if he is an angel.
Create a 3D illustration of an animated character sitting casually on top of social media logo ” Instagram”. The character must wear causal modern clothing such as Jeans jacket sneakers shoes. The background of the image is a social media profile page with username “your_name_123” and a profile picture that matches animated character.”
Create a 3D illusion for an Instagram profile picture where a guy in a black shirt sits casually on a wingback chair and smokes a cigarette.  Wearing sneakers, a black cricket cap and sunglasses, he is looking ahead.  "Sonu Kumar" is written in big and bold white font on the black wall in the background.  Site time is money.  He should neither have a shadow nor wings so that it seems as if he is an angel.
Create a 3D illustration for a profile picture of an 18-year-old couple sitting comfortably in a wing chair. The boy is wearing a black shirt pants and sunglasses, and the girl is wearing a black saree and sunglasses. He is looking ahead. "Sonu" and "Hulu" are written in large font on the black wall in the background.
create Prompt a 3d realistic . illusion image 00 a 20 20 year vear old old boy
and girl in a black hoodie and sitting comfortably on
the king's throne wearing sneakers and sunglasses
the boy is proposing with a rose "Happy Rose Day" is
written in yellow and red neon lights in the background
the background is dark gray and is shaded in a the
background. "Ramesh"
is written on the boy's hoodie and "Ayantika" is written
on the girl's hoodie
Realistic indian 21 year old cute boy proposing on with 16 year beautiful girl in Yellow lehenga the road with an and a red rose flower on, wearing a white hoodie with name " Krishu " write on Hooodie, After rain and no boys, beautiful lonely picture, pretty girl staning in the rain, so happy picture, profile pic, rainy weather, beautiful realistic photo, ultra realistic picture, rainy day, very beautiful photo, hyperealistic photo, it is raining
Realistic indian 21 Year old cute boy proposing on with 16 year beautiful girl in Casual dress the road with an and a red flower on, Wearing a full t shirt write name " Sonu " on boy t shirt, After rain and no boys, Beautiful lonely picture, pretty girl standing in the rain, So happy picture, profile pic, rainy weather, beautiful realistic photo, ultra realistic picturre, rainy day, very beautiful photo, hyperealistic photo, it is raining.

About the author

Sonu Kumar is the owner of Instacreator Blog, on this blog he writes posts related to Instagram Bio. He is also the owner of the Hindi world's famous blog Litehindi.

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